Vegetable Garden Resources
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Organic Pest Control Reference Guide
This one-page document includes information on organic pest control, all on one printable page, with a three-step guide to keeping pests out of your garden as well as treatment options for different target pests. Keep a copy on hand for quick solutions to keep your garden healthy and free of unwanted insects while using an Earth-kind, organic approach.
Planting Plan Diagram
Our Planting Plan Diagram is a printable grid with to-scale icons of common vegetable garden varieties. Simply draw an outline of your garden beds and draw, or cut and paste, the vegetable icons into the diagram to plan what you can plant with proper spacing. No more overcrowding your plants! A journal page allows you to take notes on your garden and creates a record to help with troubleshooting and crop rotation the following year.
Plant Information Chart
The AbleVeg Plant Information Chart can be bookmarked for quick answers and details on how to successfully grow your favorite vegetables. When to start seeds, preferred temperature, days to maturity, plant spacing, and other important information are all in one place to help with garden preparation and planning.
Visual Garden Planning Tool
This document allows you to create a visual bar graph so you can easily see when to start seeds indoors, when to sow seeds outdoors, and when you can expect to harvest. Use this tool with the AbleVeg Plant Information Chart to create a custom planting plan. No more relying on charts that give general planting dates for your zone – this will be tailored to your unique garden!